
Football penalty signals
Football penalty signals


If the kicked ball breaks the plane of the goal line, it is dead. The goal line is yours from your sideline to sideline (in bounds). Know when it’s OB, in the field of play, or a touchback. Be prepared to rule on kicks at the sideline and goal line. Once you have counted the receivers and verified with the Line Judge, check with the Back Judge for his readiness and mark the ball ready-for-play.ĭ. See that the opening kickoff and the second half kickoff are on time.Ĭ. You will be positioned near the chain side hash markī.


Please check the new mechanics manual for correct coverage. Ensure that the sideline and coaches area are clear. Your initial position will be at or near the receiver’s goal line on side of the field opposite the press box.


These choices are alternated after a full over time period is finished and the score is still tied.Ī. For overtime this procedure is repeated after coach’s conference but the choices to the winner of the toss would be-offense-defense or defend a goal. We will not use a captain’s conference for the second half Break for positions about 1 minute before the kick-off. Have captains put their backs to the goal they will be defending and visually indicate the receiving team win. The choices are then kick, receive, or defend a goal. If that is his choice, point to him again and give the incomplete pass signal toward press box. Point to the winner and give him his option to defer. Tell visiting captain you will catch the coin or allow it to drop VERBALLY CONFIRM THE CAPTAIN'S CHOICE BEFORE YOU TOSS THE COIN.į. Be brief in your instructions don’t give a speech but remind each team about sportsmanship.Į. Have the captains introduce themselves to each other. Have the captains with their backs to their own sideline at the 50.ĭ. The Referee is on the field at the 50 facing the clock.Ĭ. Return to home team bench following inspection of field.ī. Split up the crew, half goes one way and the other half the other way.Ĭ. Arrive on field 30 minutes before kickoff.ī. Stress communications, close, half the distance, etc.Ī. Method to use in rechecking officials decision on the field. Review signals for double stakes, out of bounds, in bounds, progress, winding clock near sideline, touchdown, fumbles, incomplete pass, and use of whistle on kicks and method of signaling an official up or back on kicks out of bounds. Discuss procedures in calling fouls and running off penalties. Review mechanics for kickoff, time-outs, running plays, forward passes, punts and runbacks, man in motion, goal line plays, side line plays, out of bounds and winding the clock, try’s and field goals. Review for crew rules and interpretations, ask for their questions. Referee must check for appropriate medical personnel as it relates to the concussion rule Referee must check for overtime procedures and league rules Unusual plays or formations from coaches’ visitation along with captains. If afternoon game, still have a pre-game conference, even if on the field. Start the pre-game conference 60 minutes before game.ī. If there is a dispute as to the uniform to be worn the Referee will make the final decision. Arrive more than an hour and a half before the game.

Football penalty signals